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[12 Aug 2013|12:17am]

Sam Winchester you have (2) new messages. )

Castiel you have (1) new message. )

Text: Dean [12 Aug 2013|12:04am]

» I just woke up next to a fucking tree
» What the Hell are you boys doing?
» You're supposed to take care of this shit.
» It's what you do for a living.

Filtered to Ariel, Dean, and Castiel [11 Aug 2013|11:48pm]


My friend Castiel told me about your deal with the Sea Witch. My brother Dean and I, can help you. It's our job to protect and save people from monsters just like her. We won't let her hurt you, okay?

Out Loud - Ariel & Tony [11 Aug 2013|08:23pm]

[With Sebastian on her shoulder, muttering reproachfully, Ariel decides to explore her new surroundings in Tony's home. It's nice here. Not quite as nice or anywhere near as big as Eric's castle, but it feels cozy and Tony seems very nice, so far, so she's happy with her situation, for now. She's exploring in an attempt to keep her mind off the idea of Ursula arriving to collect her now that her three days have come and gone.

Without realizing where, exactly, she's found herself, Ariel ends up in the kitchen, peeking into cabinets and drawers as well as the large white humming box on the far end of the room, where she finds items she does not recognize hiding in containers, drawers, jars, and bottles.

Closing that door, Ariel moves back to the drawers, pulling one at a time open and abandoning it when she loses interest. Four drawers in, Ariel finds something, finally that she recognizes. Beaming, she moves Sebastian off her shoulder and onto the counter, ignoring his protest and snatching up the dinglehopper. Ariel's smile grows as she's running it enthusiastically through her hair. Eric and Grimm had given her funny looks, but they aren't here and she hasn't been able to do this since she'd arrived. It feels nice to get the knots out, finally.]

[11 Aug 2013|08:10pm]

Pretty sure a chunk of my ceiling just feel in my bedroom.  Not in the mood to go check the damage.  Anyone have some odds for me on if Skeevy Maintenance guy will actually come fix it?

[11 Aug 2013|03:23pm]

Kinda embarrassed to post this but I'm gonna need a little bit of help. Anyone have any hangover cures out there that, I don't know, work kinda quickly so I'm not all gross and zombified all day? Because that'd be great.

[11 Aug 2013|03:03pm]

Characters: Buffy Summers and Merry Gentry.
Location: That Other Place, bar.
Time: (BACKDATED); Saturday Evening, during Merry's shift.
Warnings: TBD.
Summary: Buffy wants the skinny on what Merry's theories on Cedar Wells are and hey, drinking.
Status: Closed, incomplete.
No, one of the women she spoke to on the network, Merry, had gotten kind of cryptic about her theories on the town and that naturally piqued her interest. )

text | sam & dean winchester. [10 Aug 2013|11:48pm]

» I think I may have made a young girl cry. How do I fix that?

[11 Aug 2013|01:35am]

There are people already programmed into my phone and everything seems pretty convenient. I could play with these for days

Anyway, I'm new around here. Hi! I'm Kitty Pryde.

Any tips about Cedar Wells, anyone? Other than not to ask about the trees (what's that about, anyway)?

Text: Pepper [10 Aug 2013|11:52pm]

» So.
» Loki is actually here.
» And I might have instigated him a little.

» A lot.

» Also
» I met the Little Mermaid.

Out Loud: Holiday Cocktail Lounge [10 Aug 2013|10:16pm]

[Open to Chester and potentially Castiel]

[Meg wipes down the bar with an almost clean rag, eying the pitifully empty tip jar with disdain. She sighs heavily. Thanks to the rain, only the regulars had bothered to show up, making for a slow night. Meg snaps at a man sitting at the end of the bar, nursing the same beer he's had for the last hour.]

Hey, either finish that beer and get another, or go waste someone else's time. This ain't the Holiday Inn.

[She turns to Chester.]

You ever find a roommate?

[10 Aug 2013|02:19pm]

Another Saturday night in Cedar Wells. Nothing on the calendar? Come TOP-side and say hi. Maybe I'll even let you order a Lemondrop. Maybe.

PS Hopefully I don't have to kick anybody out this weekend, haha

[10 Aug 2013|03:31pm]

Since I suppose the ruse is up, I should introduce myself properly. I am Loki, of Asgard.

I originally intended to conceal my identity for a time, but given that it seems those I expected to pursue me believe me dead, I have little reason to continue to hide.


Further, I still maintain that your pathetic mortal beverages are hardly worth the prices you people charge for them. I might as well simply order water.


The lack of magic in this place is grating.

[09 Aug 2013|08:57pm]

Characters: Castiel and Meg.
Location: Meg's apartment.
Time: Moments after this.
Warnings: TBD.
Summary: An angel and a demon are in the same town once more.
Status: Closed, incomplete.
He'd been genuinely happy to know she was in town and the moment he had her address, he didn't waste any time. )

[09 Aug 2013|11:18pm]

I think I'm doing this right. Hello? Does this little light box work?

[09 Aug 2013|10:25pm]

Characters: Sherlock Holmes and John Watson.
Location: The clinic.
Time: (BACKDATED) Tuesday, 30 July 2013, half nine.
Warnings: None.
Summary: Reunion.
Status: Closed, incomplete.

That was how he knew John had to think he died. )

[08 Aug 2013|11:58pm]

Well, it's not California... but it'll do. That whole dropping calls back to home thing is kinda sketch, though.

Phone Call to Castiel [09 Aug 2013|12:24am]


[08 Aug 2013|07:34pm]

Text to Dean:

» Thanks for coming by the bar to entertain me the other night. I think I've perfected my Impala recipe.

Text: Dean [08 Aug 2013|11:19pm]

» Something you want to share with the class?

[08 Aug 2013|10:09pm]

Gourmet enough for you, Tink?

[08 Aug 2013|09:58pm]

Right, well, I don't play well with others so she can just
I don't even know why I fucking care; I told myself Cass was it and that was all, so
Fuck me, I feel like I need to kill something...like...it's been too long since the last Walker and it's making me antsy
Is there like a shooting range or something?

I think I'm gonna start making out with drunk female patrons and charging "tips" for the show. Bet the tip jar would have a bigger pot to split at the end of the fucking night during the week if I did. And I'd be having fun. Everybody wins.

Today is balls for real.

Free round for the first person to entertain me sufficiently by coming to Holiday Cocktail lounge and doing something interesting. #impressme

[08 Aug 2013|05:47pm]

Is it safe, you think, to like take Tylenol PM or like over-the-counter sleep meds when you're pregnant? Are there any doctors around...?

Is there a comfortable sleep position I don't know about?

[added a while later]

Castiel you have (2) new messages. )

[08 Aug 2013|12:31am]

Characters: Meg Masters and OTA Sam & Dean
Location: Holiday Cocktail Lounge
Time: Wednesday Night
Warnings: possible language
Summary: Quitting time, but Meg doesn't want to go home just yet
Status: Open, Incomplete

[07 Aug 2013|10:11pm]

Characters: John Watson, Will Collins
Location: The clinic
Time: Wednesday afternoon
Warnings: None
Summary: Two doctors, gettin' to know one another
Status: Incomplete

Talking! )

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