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Cedar Wells

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[29 Jul 2013|03:07pm]
You know what I've never done until I moved here? Gone grocery shopping like a big girl. My girlfriend always used to do that...I feel all grown up now, thanks Colorado :P

In other news, weiiiiirdest dream last night what to do before I go to work? Suggestions? I saw that the carnival is gone :( On the bright side, I went looking at other apartments...

[ooc: added a little later]


[Text: Dean]
» Still no zombies. Every shower is still awesome.
» ...are you still buzz-harshing? Cuz, I think I'm really gonna like it here and I'mma need you to stop that ;)
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[29 Jul 2013|03:55pm]
i probably should have thought about buying an owl before i came mum and dad don't worry that much about me, though i'm always busy

lets see how do you make the letters big again


Shift ah there we go! It's been a while since I've seen a computer and dad thought seeing muggle technology would be pointless.

Now that I've settled in and unpacked my cat and I, I thought I would check this thing out. Though Chudley isn't too happy about all of this, he hates carriers, you see.

I'm Rose Weasley, hello out there? Anybody else relatively new or just me?
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[29 Jul 2013|05:17pm]
Who just got a job? Oh yeah, this guy. Anybody that reads this shit work at Mystery Shack, by chance? Did everybody get asshole shifts or just me?
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[29 Jul 2013|07:39pm]
[Emily pokes her head into the bedroom one more time to check on Charlotte, who is, miraculously, sleeping. Then she makes her way gingerly back towards the living room, just in time to hear a knock at the front door. She pauses for a moment, squeezes her eyes shut, tells herself that she is not thinking about how awful she probably looks right now because that is the last thing that she should care about, and then yanks the door open a little too abruptly. She places herself in the opening of the doorway as if blocking Jared from getting in before she can be sure it's him and not some kind of trick, her hand gripping the doorframe and her expression wary. That only lasts a moment however before the expression fades to recognition and then a more resigned shade of wary, an expression she never could have worn before the events at the hospital, one that sits on her like a new normal] Okay, it's you, good. I didn't think it could be a trick but... [She shakes her head, thinning her lips as she cuts herself off and steps backwards, out of his way] Come in.
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[29 Jul 2013|07:56pm]
Certainly it isn't just me that has noticed the Hometown Suites manager seems more brash in his staring?

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Text to Merry [29 Jul 2013|10:52pm]
[ooc: a few hours after this]

» Hey Tink, you think I'll get thrown out of Neverland for unexpectedly sudden fatherhood?
» ...cuz...THAT happened today...
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