February 27th, 2016

[info]wildlittledog in [info]cedarridge_rp

Who: Agron and Nasir
Where: Agron's House
When: 2/27 Morning
Rating: Mild for language, Wild - later Inevitable Sexiness
Why: Nasir is bored with keeping house
Status Closed, In progress

Nasir was up early as usual, making his Tiger a hearty breakfast and washing the dishes. Little domestic things he loved to do. He looked out of the window over their little kitchen garden. This time of winter, it was pretty much dead, but he was starting to plan out how he would plant things. Mostly herbs and vegetables that he could cook with. Fresh was always better. And best when you grew it yourself.

Herbs near the back deck, a small plot for vegetables. Agron didn't care for them really, but he found he could sneak them into the weretiger's meals if he cut them up small enough that Agron didn't notice. There was plenty of room, maybe Agron would buy him a fig tree. It was one of his Tiger's favorite treats. And over by the little shed, maybe he could get Agron to help him build a chicken coop. Fresh eggs and fresh chicken would appeal to him surely. He wondered if he could possibly talk Agron into letting him have a goat or two. Fresh milk and homemade cheese. He could let the goats graze outside of the garden and they would keep down the weeds without them having to mow the back lawn very often.

He was looking out the window, daydreaming as he finished the dishes.