we're all mad here -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Cheshire Crossings

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[19 Aug 2010|11:09am]
Note left on Dean's bed for 'Michael'. )
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Posted to the board in neat writing [19 Aug 2010|04:48pm]
It has been suggested we do something to make life a little more entertaining for you all. So far we have had suggestions of pizza, music and low-alcohol beer. I have a few questions to ask:

1) When would you like it to take place?
2) What else would you like to see happen at this event? Karaoke? Games? TV?
3) Would anyone like to volunteer to monitor the music for the evening?

15 comments|post comment

[19 Aug 2010|05:59pm]
Note shoved under Ruby's door after lunch. )
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[ viewing | August 19th, 2010 ]
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