we're all mad here -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Cheshire Crossings

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[01 Jul 2010|12:27am]
3 comments|post comment

[01 Jul 2010|12:42am]
Delivered to Robin about a half an hour before lunchtime

Mmm mmm good! )
2 comments|post comment

[01 Jul 2010|08:57am]
Sent to Lita Kino's office )
3 comments|post comment

[01 Jul 2010|10:53am]
9 comments|post comment

[01 Jul 2010|11:40am]
posted to the board in red pen )
15 comments|post comment

[01 Jul 2010|03:34pm]
[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<lj-cut="a>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

<lj-cut="A large bundle wrapped in brown paper is left on Pinky's bed with a note">

<I>I hope this is okay! The guy at the copy shop did a great job, I think! Let me know if you need anything else.


(Rolled up neatly and tied with string are Carey's drawings of angels, matted on thick black cardboard and then laminated to look like real posters.)
1 comment|post comment

[01 Jul 2010|03:59pm]
[Posted on the bulletin board in aching script]

Sometimes I think this pain will swallow the whole world and everything in it.
5 comments|post comment

[01 Jul 2010|11:43pm]
pinned to the board )
23 comments|post comment

[ viewing | July 1st, 2010 ]
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