we're all mad here -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Cheshire Crossings

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[12 May 2010|12:04am]
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[12 May 2010|12:52am]
Email to doctors )

(posted on the patient board)

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[12 May 2010|06:33am]
left in the visiting men's restroom, on a sink. a torn page from a notebook. )
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[12 May 2010|08:51am]
[Note torn down after Dr. John Smith's addendum was attached]
Stuck anonymously to the patient board on a rogue Post-It )

Slid under Jack's office door )
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[12 May 2010|07:04pm]
Left on Laurie's pillow )
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[12 May 2010|09:16pm]
A hastily written note is shoved underneath Ruby's door. )
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[ viewing | May 12th, 2010 ]
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