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Cheshire Crossings

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enh // bulletin board [06 Jan 2010|12:31pm]
[ Even hand, written in ink. He'd rather have typed it but what can you do? Paper smells faintly of cigarettes. ]

An open letter. What is this, AA in pen and ink?

Look, here's the long and the short of it. Stay away from me and I'll stay away from you. I'm a fairly nice guy, really, but I'm also a fairly private one and before you get on my case about how that is a contradiction in terms living in a place like this, I'll tell you I've done better with worse situations. I'm not here to make friends or life partners or any of that jazz.

I'm here to help and protect her. That's it.

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[06 Jan 2010|03:55pm]
[Shaky, shaky handwriting.]

I don't want to be here.

I didn't do anything wrong.
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introduction [06 Jan 2010|10:18pm]
written on a scrap of sketch paper, pinned unassumingly out of the way )
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[06 Jan 2010|11:18pm]
Pinned toward the bottom right corner of the board. )
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[06 Jan 2010|11:55pm]
[black ink, written in neat, small capital letters.]

Hello everyone,

I hope to get to know you all and wish to become friends. My name is Jimmy, I was a firefighter in New York City for almost fifteen years. I like to think that I'm a nice person, no one has ever said otherwise - so, here's to hoping? I deserve to be here, so I can't really complain too much - those who make their bed, and all those such idioms. I apologize if I seem exceedingly British, that seems to be a negative quality here in the states. I'll try to tone that down, yeah?

Again, a pleasure,
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