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Cheshire Crossings

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[15 Dec 2009|01:26pm]
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Symphony for Twelve Instruments. [15 Dec 2009|08:00pm]
The Strange and Interesting Man. Eurydice. . . . Orpheus is too busy listening to his own thoughts. There's music in his head. Try to pluck the music out and it bites you. . . . Orpheus has long fingers that would tremble to pet a bull or pluck a bee from a hive. . . .
On Nicki's door, on staff paper still, peppered with notes )
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[15 Dec 2009|10:25pm]
On paper taped on Loki's door though the paint comes off the paper and onto the door in places. )
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tacked to the message board by an orderly. [15 Dec 2009|10:50pm]
Tacked to the message board by an orderly. )
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