we're all mad here -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Cheshire Crossings

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[18 Jul 2009|11:16am]
Delivered to Christopher London. )
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[18 Jul 2009|06:53pm]
Tacked to the center of the board on an index card, covering anything that might be there )
83 comments|post comment

Tacked to the board. [18 Jul 2009|08:35pm]
[ mood | calm ]

Tacked to the very top of the message board is a drawing, with a message written in reverse. )

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Left on Dr. Reid's desk. [18 Jul 2009|09:24pm]
[ mood | busy ]

A note left on Dr. Reid's desk right after dinner. )

3 comments|post comment

[18 Jul 2009|09:44pm]
Tacked near the center of the board. )
34 comments|post comment

Introductions. [18 Jul 2009|10:01pm]
[ mood | numb ]

tacked to the right corner of the board. )

87 comments|post comment

[ viewing | July 18th, 2009 ]
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