~newamsterdam :: random/lyrics' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
~newamsterdam :: random/lyrics

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what do you usually watch on netflix? i've finally got a day off and don't want to get out of bed [27 May 2014|12:31pm]
[ mood | who wants an im later? ]

Surely you're joking, calling me this late. And sure, I have misspoken, especially as of late. Oh, but the ten missed calls don't have the ring of last fall. No, not at all. And surely you're joking and the punchline isn't far. You're not gonna take it. No, I'm not gonna take it. No, we're not gonna take it on the road. Oh, I'm not falling over, but I'm not calling sober, and I'm not gonna take this when I'm home. It's okay. Surely the credits will note the junior script. And sure, it's immature and lacks a certain wit. The pope has appeal, it doesn't need to feel real. No, that's his deal. And surely you're joking and the punchline isn't far. x

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