September 10th, 2017

[info]nerdbyday in [info]castle_ooc

So I have a hard time saying no to people (esp if it involves ships.) Gaelic!He's one of the few humans that I actually play, and while he'll come off as shy at first? Once he gets to know a person he'll open up and talk more/flirt/etc.

He's also v. clearly gay,and prefers them younger boys if he got to pick. *cough* so good luck there.Most of his shiz is in his bio, like normal, but if you want plots feel free to throw them at me and the rest of my charies. No srs, i need tons of plot. Pls help.

[info]makeyoucome in [info]castle_ooc

Okay. Since I can't say no very often either, and that includes ships, this is Drew Morgan. He's for Michelle's Gaelic eventually. I can't ship Stiles/Derek, but I CAN do OCs using Hoechlin and O'Brien. So this is Drew. He's from Elizabethtown, Kentucky, and he's a bit spoiled, his father owns a diner there and they're one of the only rich families in town. So he's used to getting what he wants. He's uber gay, and also a succubus. There's different kinds of those just like there is anything else, but in this case, it's like Lost Girl, in which he has to have sex to survive. Kind of an excuse for him to be a slut before he ends up with Gaelic. XD.

So any and all plots are fine and dandy, I already put up an open thread, go nuts!


[info]bloodbathed in [info]castle_ooc

So I've decided to bring in two more. But I'm Lazy so I'm only doing one intro here.

Anyhoo, this is Azekial, or Zeek for short. He's the Big Bad Wolf, the Grand daddy to pretty much every werewolf line. Though in his time line he's just met Red and is fairly smitten with them, has the Huntsman on his tail wanting to literally skin him, and a bunch of other shiz. I'd like a red for him, and I have no particular care if its a girl or a dude.

Secondly is my orphan wizard! [info]totallyawizardHe grew up being bounced from Home to Home, has no idea who his magical parents are, what his status is, or what'll happen to him once he reaches 18. He's currently in 6th year, and will be amazed at all the magical folk around. So don't be surprised if he's super friendly with them.

Edit:Landon. His Name is Landon.

[info]upall_night in [info]castle_ooc

This is Caleb Novak, because honestly, I don't even need an excuse to use Chord Overstreet as a pb anymore. LOL. By the way, I'm also using him for teenage!Danny Torrance, besides the canon characters I use him for. I use him as Schroeder of Peanuts and I might add him too. Caleb is also added at Carry On, so I'm only going to explain him once here, due to laziness. LMAO.

Caleb Novak is the boy version of Claire Novak, from Supernatural. His canon point will be post 12, but that's because of what happens at the end of 12. Huge twists. Claire also happens to get bitten by a werewolf in like, the middle of twelve, and so Caleb is a werewolf. He is pretty much just Claire, although a boy. Although MY Claire is a lesbian, and Caleb is just bisexual. I don't haves a ship at all planned for him, so if anyone wants to try someone out, I'm game. He has trust issues and is still learning how to use his werewolf powers. Also, because Destiel is SO a thing that is canon, as my Claire, Caleb will also look at Cas and Dean like his dads and Sam his uncle and whatnot. I may add his Cas or his Dean, just for the hell of it. Okay, that's it.

Just plotses!