Cast Away Out of Character Forum's Journal
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Below are the 8 most recent journal entries recorded in Cast Away Out of Character Forum's InsaneJournal:

    Thursday, June 19th, 2008
    7:17 am
    Hey, all, sorry I haven't posted the Siena Days post or the others...I caught the flu from my kids and I've been miserable all week. I tried to do some pimping the other day but that's all I could manage. Soon, though, everything will be running a bit more smoothly! Just give me a chance to recover.

    Of course, you are free to do as you like in the meantime!
    -Mod Mel
    Monday, June 9th, 2008
    7:15 pm
    I'm not sure I could even take on another character at the moment, but I've been giving some thought to the idea and wanted to take a poll.

    Who would you rather see in the game?

    a.) Lilo (L & S). PB pending. Possibly America Ferrera.

    b.) Flounder (LM). PB would be Jack Black or Josh Peck.

    c.) Boo (M, Inc.). PB would be Emily Browning.

    d.) Eeyore (WtP). PB would be Ian Watkins.

    I appreciate the vote and hopefully I can then decide if I have the time to play them or not.

    Korrin [Kuzo]
    Sunday, June 8th, 2008
    10:47 pm
    Hi everyone! I'm Ann and I play Esmeralda from Hunchback, portrayed here by Vanessa Hudgens. I'm 23, live in Chicago, and obviously have a great love of Disney.

    E-mail is thegoodwitch at gmail dot com
    AIM is pokethehokie, but I'm rarely on - if you want to talk, comment on my journal or e-mail me with a time that's good for you and I'll hop on. :)
    Friday, June 6th, 2008
    12:14 pm
    Heya, gang, so glad to see people posting! I hope this game takes off great. Be sure to recruit your friends so we can be nicely busy before too long.

    This is your Mod, Mel, and I play Aurora Perrault, aka Sleeping Beauty. She's going to DSPA and studies Directing. Which is a nice way for me to springboard some storylines we'll be having soon, where we get to build and stage a production!

    Feel free to AIM me at Setsunaluna, and also, [info]llama_face and [info]cutenotfluffy are good people to ask about game stuff (they are like, co-mods only more relaxed!).

    -Mod Mel
    Thursday, June 5th, 2008
    5:48 pm
    hey everyone! my name is carlee, and i bring to you meg from the movie hercules, as portrayed by the lovely eliza dushku.

    meg grew up and spent the first two years of her college career in new york city. her father wasn't around and her mother was...not terribly interested in being a mother. so meg's a little bit of a rebel. dance and singing became an outlet for her and she's talented in both. her first year in college was fairly uneventful, but in her second year she got involved with a professor. they had a relationship for several months, until she had a pregnancy scare and went to him, thinking he might be happy or at least that he'd support her.

    she was wrong. he ended things with her immediately, saying it would ruin his career and that if she was pregnant, she was on her own. fortunately, about a week after they broke up, she found out she was not pregnant and began pulling herself together again, though she was very deeply hurt by his betrayal. she worked hard to get accepted to the disney school of performing arts, where she is majoring in dance and minoring in voice. she's there on a scholarship and has a job waitressing to help pay for other expenses.

    she's fairly friendly, with a sarcastic sense of humor and a matter-of-fact way of thinking and speaking. she's fairly intimidating and very emotionally guarded, but doesn't try to scare people away and doesn't say no to making friends.

    i'm at this pink ribbon on aim, so hit me up if you want to play or talk about potential storylines. :)
    Monday, June 2nd, 2008
    7:50 pm
    Word, fellow members. I'm Set. Not my real name, but it's what I would like to be called. Please respect the pseudonym, it is there for a reason. I'll be playing my incarnation of Stitch in this game. He's mine. You can't have him. I'll fight you for him if you try and steal him from me, and I warn you in advance that I'm both a biter and a hair puller. Throw in the years I spent watching pro wrestling and Power Rangers and, yeah, you don't want to mess with me.

    So, here's a little bit about me: I'm 25, live in Cali (that makes me pacific time zone for people who are time zone ignorant) and have for my whole life, graduated with a degree in English with a minor in creative writing (only because it wasn't a major. Those bastards...). I love me some Disney. Have since I was a wee boy. First movie I remember seeing is the reissue of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The Queen's transformation scene into the witch scared the holy hell out of me. You know what they say... your earliest memories are often traumatic ones. Fast forward a few years and several Disney related properties later and we have my virgin encounter with Lilo & Stitch. I fell in love with Stitch instantly, and he has since taken over a significant portion of my monetary life. Truly, my room is filled with much related to Stitch. And Donald. Donald's my boy, too. But I hate Mickey. A lot. And I tell people this frequently (okay, twice... once at Disneyland and once at the Disney Store. Both times the reveal was met with recoiling, which pleased me). I love television, and own far more TV on DVD box sets than I should. It's over 100 now, spanning the 80s, 90s and 00s. And I love video games. RPGs, obviously.

    Now, here's a little bit about Cole: He's mean. No, really, he is. Maybe not in an intentional way, but nonetheless. His people skills leave very much to be desired. He loves to build things, but loves to break them more than that. He's short (probably about 5'8''), which may or may not add to the chip on his shoulder. Even if it does, it's a pretty minor additive. Orphaned, not ever adopted past basically creates more than enough of a chip, don't you think? Cole goes to St. Sienna, because artsy stuff really isn't for him (though, in hindsight, he'd make an excellent set designer... even if the fact would cause him to recoil in horror...), but associates with people in the performing arts school...

    And by associates, I do mean sleeps with (not just sleeps with, mind you, but, hey, it's there...).

    There's a reason for that... )
    10:02 pm
    Friend All
    Now that this is underway, I've updated the Friending Tool.

    Updated Friend Button!
    9:35 pm
    Ready to play?
    Alright, now that we've gotten all the details finally hammered out, and players are enabled, is everyone ready to play? This week will be kicking off the game, and I'm hoping we'll all have a chance to join in.

    The first big event is summer registration, which is happening NOW. You can start any thread you would like on registering, checking out the campuses (either DSPA or Siena), for others to interact with you.

    There is also going to be Siena College Days, which is where DSPA and Siena School are showcased and appreciated by the town of Siena. Basically, this is an outdoor event for the local townspeople to get out and show their alumnus some school spirit. This is a good way for students from either school to interact. You can be creative with what you find at the event; anything you can think might be at an outdoor summer event is good.

    Posting in either situation can start now, so get busy!

    -The Mod
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