Cassadaga OOC

November 30th, 2010

Cassadaga OOC


November 30th, 2010


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Hello everyone! *waves*

I'm Nichole and new here.

Starting out I bring you the lovely Katie Bell. (She's from the HP universe and is for the most part a minor character but she has her moments) I'm still working on a time line for when she shows up and all that good stuff. Her PB is Alona Tal. I'm very open to any kind of RP, though I'm usually only able to from 5:30-11 monday-Friday eastern time. But weekends I am good for any time really.

Some of you I know, and some of you I don't. But that will change!!

Feel free to poke me for any kind of threads!!

Ummm... other then if you have any questions just ask!
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