Cassadaga OOC

September 20th, 2010

Cassadaga OOC


September 20th, 2010

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Hey there everyone, I'm Crystal. I'm brand new to this game but totally looking forward to getting to know you all and having some fun scening in the process. I'm originally from Florida and in the process of moving to Alabama so I fluctuate between EST and Central time zones but I try to spend as much time as possible online to relieve my stressful life lol. Anyways, without further ado, here's my character.

Thomas here is Shannon's little brother who'll be coming in to surprise his sister. He hasn't seen her since she moved to Cassadaga so that should definitely be interesting. He's twenty and from Atlanta Georgia and he's looking for friends to meet once he gets in town. So anyone who's interested, just let me know! Looking forward to meeting you all.

- Crystal
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