October 3rd, 2015



The meek may inherit the earth

Who: Shizuru and Tony
Where: Her office
When: 10/3 11am
Warning: TBD
Status: In progress
...but at the moment it belongs to the conceited, like me )



[No Subject]

Who: Pretty much anyone
When: October 3, afternoon.
Where: Throughout the castle
What: Hide and Seek!
Rating/Warnings: TBD
Status: Open/Incomplete

Any players of hide and seek, this is the place!



[No Subject]

Who: Adrian Battye and Jackson London
When: September 30, late evening
Where: Random hall to RoR
What: Boggarts
Rating/Warnings: A little bit of boggart sadness, FTB on sexual contact
Status: Closed/Complete

Boggarts are not fun. )



[No Subject]

Who: Dominic and Narissa
Where: Courtyard
When: 10/3/2015, Early evening
What: Dom's working out his waterslide idea
Rating/Warnings: TBD
Status: Ongoing | Closed

Why did stunts have to be so damned complicated )



[No Subject]

Who: Peter and Bailey
Where: Potions classroom?
When: Late afternoon, on 10/3/15
What: Bailey and Peter have smart people discussions about smart people things
Rating/Warnings: Likely low and none?
Status: Ongoing | Closed

Read more... )



[No Subject]

Who: Bruce and Peter
Where: Potions classroom
When: 10/2/15, Afternoon
What: Bruce and Peter science bro it out.
Rating/Warnings: Low and None
Status: Ongoing | Closed

Read more... )



[No Subject]

Who: Adrian and Narissa
Where: by the lake
When: Lunch October 3
Warning: None really
Status: Closed, Complete
... )



[No Subject]

Who: Misha and Ash
When: October 3, late afternoon
Where: Out by the lake
What: Having words
Rating/Warnings: some minor violence, swearing
Status: Closed/Complete

Fierce and white / The lightning came / A bright'ning flame / To end the night )