September 5th, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: Ophelia and Mikael
When: September 5, around 4pm
Where: Slytherin common
What: Talking
Rating/Warnings: Awkward interactions.
Status: Closed/Complete
Read more... )



[No Subject]

Who: All Hufflepuffs
When: September 1, post-feast
Where: Hufflepuff common room
What: First Night, First Years, Celebrating the new puffs
Rating/Warnings: Probably a lot of awkward
Status: In progress

No cut text. This is an open party post for all 'Puff PCs. Let's pretend to be drunk have fun.



[No Subject]

Who: Kea and Luke
Where: Out by the lake.
When: September 5th, early morning.
What: Meeting up early in the morning.
Rating: tbd

Time to get sweaty )