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carnival of rust. • a private storyline

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[08 May 2010|10:49pm]

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i walk alone, in the garden of stone... [08 May 2010|08:21pm]

→ Los Angles; the city of angels. The city of big mistakes, and fake people -- everyone was plastic in L.A, everyone was someone else. Everyone was Candee and Tiffany -- as if they could be sweet and priceless at the same time. Los Angeles was a place of ghosts and vipers, of cruelty and new opportunity. The buildings touched the clouds, and the clouds parted for the hundred story monsters made of chrome and blacked out windows. The night sky was dazzling with the need to shimmer the velvet midnight with stars. Each one sparkled if eyes were set on them long enough. These eyes didn’t stay in any one place for long, they wandered -- across the clear night sky, down the metal serpent of sky scrapers and to the hot black pavement below bare, dirty feet. Everyone seemed lost in their own world, everyone seemed too enthralled by their little blackberries and their expensive Starbucks coffee. Everything was so loud, cars roaring past at fifty miles an hour, music blaring through open windows at stop lights. Los Angeles was a endless monster of chatter.

She wasn’t actually awake.

The earth rumbled, as if yawning -- and people upon the streets of Los Angeles shrieked, their phones being dropped, those endless buildings swaying in the rolling tremor of the ground. The entire city was shaking, and there was no seismic activity planned for this night, no reading that said an earthquake was on its way. It wasn’t pulling down sky scrapers, but people were panicking -- and then, just as it began, it stopped. Everything calmed down, and everyone looked around, wondering if it would happen again. And just like that, the people of Los Angeles moved on, their heads ducked back down to look at their smart phones and talk on their Bluetooth, they ordered coffee to replace the cu they had dropped -- the world wasn’t ending. A tall cup of coffee was still three dollars. Shame.

Deep in the bowels of the Master of the City’s lucrative business, was a long forgotten room -- the torches that had lead to the chamber made of stone and moist rock had long since been dark from prying eyes. They knew there was something down that tunnel, but the master had forbidden all from entering into that forgotten darkness. That is where she rested. For centuries, in a forced hibernation that would have killed a younger undead, her body recovering slowly -- sluggishly, until tonight. When the master heard, and felt, the rumble of the earth below his feet -- he knew it had nothing to do with the earth itself. But the waking of a monster. A cold kind of fear he hadn’t felt since he was a fledgling screamed through his undead chest -- his master was awake, and she would want what was rightfully hers.

“Adele, would you mind dearly going down to the master chamber,” The master chamber was forbidden, but his smooth and slick voice left no real room for compromise. It was that sugar sweet voice he used when talking to humans, they always would do what he wanted. “It seems my dear master has woken herself a few centuries before she was supposed to join us again. Keep her distracted, don’t let her focus herself on my position. Do you understand? Let her fascinate herself with this bright, shiny world that has passed her by.”

A slick, wide smile as he leaned back in his throne, fingers laced together upon his knee as he looked at his most precious servant, “Go on now. She doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”
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