The Dark Carnival - Out of character asylum for th's Journal
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Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in The Dark Carnival - Out of character asylum for th's InsaneJournal:

    Tuesday, August 7th, 2007
    1:39 am
    By the way
    No events are going on in the Carnivals. Just get to know each other, post in the communities, etcetera. Right now, the only thing is the garden variety mook monsters. Easily dispatched even by beginners. Go for it, form early alliances. And ignore the moderator's evil cackling; nothing's going to happen right away.
    Monday, August 6th, 2007
    10:58 am
    All righty then
    Both Carnivals are up and running. Say hello to Carnival Diabolique and Carnival Noir!

    Please make sure to read the rules on the info page. I added a new rule about putting character info SOMEWHERE and I put information about the duel Carnivals.

    Current Mood: accomplished
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