February 8th, 2016

[info]shielded_cage in [info]capes_and_cowls

WHO: Carl Cage and Isabelle Hunter
WHAT: Isabelle's upset about bs at work, Carl takes her out for drinks.
WHERE: Local bar
WHEN: Evening
WARNINGS/RATINGS: PG, maybe PG-13 for choice language
STATUS: Open and Ongoing

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[info]big_fun in [info]capes_and_cowls

WHO: Daisy Dukes and X-Folks
WHAT: Daisy works out
WHERE: School Gym
WHEN: Afternoon
WARNINGS/RATINGS: PG, maybe PG-13 for choice language
STATUS: Open and Ongoing

Daisy set the weight down in its slot for a moment, and reached up and adjusted the gravimetric simulator on the end.  She took in a breath, grunted, and raised the weight up again, slowly, but surely.  Forty-five tons, nearly at her limit.  She probably should have had a spotter, but when you were pretty much invulnerable, that wasn't as much of a consideration.

Things had been... peaceful lately.  No Sentinels, no Brotherhoods of Evil Mutants, no Brood...  It seemed like all their regular bad guys were keeping relatively quiet.

It probably wouldn't last. 

She continued her lifting.  "C'mon... don't go getting soft, Daisy..." she said to herself.

[info]crimson_hammer in [info]capes_and_cowls

WHO: Sasha Hammer, Open to anybody with connections to the business, press, and celebrity worlds
WHAT: Mayor of New York throws a banquet
WHERE: New York City
WARNINGS/RATINGS: Probably PG. maybe PG-13
STATUS: Open and ongoing.

Mingling of the rich and famous )