Canonistas; Canon/Continuity Junkies' Journal
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Below are the 4 most recent journal entries recorded in Canonistas; Canon/Continuity Junkies' InsaneJournal:

    Tuesday, July 8th, 2008
    10:09 am
    Manchester Junior High
    Okay, before I drive myself mad flipping through back issues and pulling scans to count the arguments on either side: what grade is Bart in when he starts school in Manchester, Alabama, and how do the grades split between junior high and high school there?

    crossposted to lj, am i the only person who posts questions on the ij?

    Current Mood: curious
    Friday, May 2nd, 2008
    10:46 am
    Young Justice
    Since it seems nice to give information as well as beg for it:

    A timeline of the members of the Young Justice team

    (Someday I'd like to sit down and try this with the Titans, or even just a little slice of them, but I fear that it would quickly scroll twenty feet sideways and extend through several pages of footnotes....

    What I do intend to try, eventually, is crossing this timeline with at least a rough timeline of the major events in related timelines -- crossover events like Sins of Youth, No Man's Land, Worlds At War, WWYJ, and the Supergirl/YJ issues should provide a starting place.)

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Thursday, May 1st, 2008
    11:37 am
    Crossing timelines again
    Another question about the order of things in canon! Is this the canon order?

    A. Hush (Batman 608-619, pub. most of 2003, canon early spring?)
    B. YJ and Titans disband (YJ/Titans Graduation Day, pub. late 2003, canon ?)
    C. Titans reform (Titans 1, pub. late 2003, canon spring or fall?)
    D. Tim turns 16 (Robin 116, pub. late 2003, canon summer)
    E. Tim starts 11th grade (Robin 121, pub. early 2004, canon fall)
    F. Jason turns 18 ('Tec 790, pub. early 2004, canon fall?)
    G. Tim quits (Robin 125/Titans 13, pub. mid 2004, canon winter?)

    crossposted to lj

    Current Mood: curious
    Tuesday, October 23rd, 2007
    7:35 pm
    Robins & Speedies
    Can anyone help me intermix the following events in chronological order? Do any of the various crises affect the order?

    * Dick Grayson stops being Robin
    * Dick Grayson starts being Nightwing
    * Jason Todd starts being Robin
    * Jason Todd is killed
    * Roy Harper has his heroin incident
    * Roy Harper stops being Speedy
    * Roy Harper starts being Arsenal
    * Mia Dearden runs away from home

    cross-posted to livejournal

    Current Mood: hopeful
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