August 12th, 2011



Fic: Untitled

Title: Untitled
When: [info]refried_scenes AU
Who: Saigremort, Mordred
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.

Untitled )



Fic: The Last Sleep in Avalon

Title: The Last Sleep in Avalon
When: [info]refried_scenes AU
Who: Athyr, Lanselos
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Character death.

The Last Sleep in Avalon )



Fic: End of the Line

Title: End of the Line
When: End times on New Britain
Who: Athyr, Gwenore, Marguel, Medraut
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Character death, language.

End of the Line )



Fic: Five Kisses Athyr Liung Had (And One He Didn't)

Title: Five Kisses Athyr Liung Had (and One He Didn't)
When: Full spectrum.
Who: Athyr, Gwenore, Marguel, Anna, Saigremort, Lanselos, Vtere
Rating: Light R
Warnings: Sex, incest. :P

Five Kisses Athyr Liung Had (and One He Didn’t) )




Title: Untitled
When: Saigremort goes home
Who: Saigremort, NPCs: Ravi, Sumati, Lalit, Julia
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.

sketch )



fic: These Happy Endings

Title: These Happy Endings
When: During Athyr's reign
Who: Gadriet, Eluned, Anna.
Rating: PG-16
Warnings: Gross things and drug use.

These Happy Endings )



Fic: She Looked Into the Crystal Mirror

Title: She Looked Into the Crystal Mirror
When: During the Ascension Wars.
Who: Marguel, Cai, Anna, Athyr
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.

She Looked into the Crystal Mirror )



Fic: Book of Days

Title: Book of Days
When: [info]refried_scenes AU
Who: Athyr, Mordred
Rating: R
Warnings: Sex.

Book of Days )