April 30th, 2018



Can I just be all graduated and what not already? That would be great.

Speaking of which, we should take a road trip after or something.




I will not be coming in to work tomorrow

I also have superpowers

Should probably have told you but hindsight is 20/20

And I am basically fucking jean grey now so that escalated quickly???

Using talk to type cause everything is just floating

So yeah sorry no work for a while bye please don’t fire me shit this is awful how do I turn it off




I'm worried our people might have a meltdown if this keeps up. They seem shaken.


You okay, kid?



y do pple think other pple waiting for public transportation wanna small talk?

srs q. i genuinely haven't figured it out. ive my theories but i'm curious.

[Charré Valois]




I would like to add my voice to the chorus of gratefulness. Thank you so very much. If you haven't received one, and you feel comfortable sharing your information, I would like to send a card as well as a little gift to everyone who helped last Saturday. It is the sweet kind.

My brother and I spent the weekend making them. They are excellent!

[The Laguerres]
Grandma says she wants to have a dinner this weekend. The entire family. It Has she told you?

I am so sor Have you seen the Google Doodle for today?




Maybe I'm a little skewed since I grew up here, but even for me, it's been weird here lately.

The good news is that summer will be here sooner than you think. Which means, it's time for me to remind you to register for our Children's Summer Art Workshops, running every Fridays, June 15 - July 13 at the Gardner Werth Gallery, featuring our healthy community of local artists. Should be a great program this year. It is open to all ages and they will be learning everything from mixed media art, painting, printmaking. I know my kids will be there, at least. I'm gonna make Leela register her kids. More info on our website but if you have any questions, comment here.

Gardner Werth is also open to hosting your events and parties -- pop into the gallery, take a look around. Or if you just want to drop in to raid the fridge for some the leftover beer from our last opening -- hey, come on down.



Hey, guys. This wasn't what I planned for my first post here, but I can't resist the chance to cramp my baby sister's style. I just wanted to thank everyone who searched, had a kind word, and jumped in with search and rescue.

Honestly, I can't even begin to tell you what this means to my family. This is one hell of a community, and I'm proud to live in a place where we all got each other's backs.

I don't know if any of you saw but

If any of you guys ever need anything from me, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Mac get a hold of you yet?

I'm buying you a drink. Or four.




I'll be working from home for the next few days! I can be reached by Skype, email, or even phone calls, but there are some issues with my new house and I need to be home to greet the repairmen. What rotten luck! But there are so many talented people in Vigil I'm sure it'll be fixed in no time.

If anyone else experiences issues like Mr. Lowell please let me know and I'll be happy to bring you anything you need such as food if you need to stay home for a bit. Just keep us updated and we will work with you.

We'll get through this interesting experience as a team.

[Ben Canton]

Mr. Canton, I regret to inform you that I think whatever is causing Mr. Lowell's abilities to be out of control are affecting my own. I came into the office and, well. This is quite embarrassing but it was just too much. Like suddenly being in a room with 20+ speakers booming out loud music at me except the music in this instance is emotions. Driving alone takes focus when I can feel the road rage of those around me. I also think I started projecting on another commuter when I stopped for gas, and that's not something I want to do on accident.

I still don't mind if it's on record that I'm powered, but I stand by the belief we've discussed that people will react too negatively if they know what I can do. Violation of privacy among other things.

Besides, it's less useful if people know.

I do intend to work though, and exposure to people in small doses should be fine. I'll deal with it. Let me know what I can do from here please. I need to stay busy, especially since Evelyn is out of the country.