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December 16th, 2016

[info]aldiara in [info]c25k

Daily Check-in

Friday here - I've been doing things but failing at check-ins. Better than the other way around, eh?

So Tuesday morning I went swimming as reported, AND then in the afternoon I went to check out one of the hot yoga classes (they let me trial it for free, which was nice). It was really good - super-challenging as I did rather jump in the deep end after 1 1/2 years of not doing it, but felt excellent afterwards. I did have lots of new person awkwardness, and having the studio be in a gym is still weird - to get there you have to walk past this looooong stretch of grim-looking people grimly pedalling on exercise bikes, lol. Made me think of you, Christine!
But yeah, the class was good and I want to go again. Will see if I can fit one in today - work is rather mental this week so I might not get to it properly until next week but if I don't go today, I'll at least try to work out at home.

On Wednesday I was going to let my muscles rest as I'd been so hardcore the three days before (where I did TWO hour-plus things each day), but then Alsha and I ended up going for a bike ride for about ~15 km, lol. It was really pretty and a new route, so that was cool.

Thursday was my doing-nothing day instead. I'd been really good and healthy with food all week, so yesterday I just shoved all the Indian ever into my face. Wheeeeeeee.

How's everyone else's week going? Are you kicking its arse?