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December 10th, 2016

[info]aldiara in [info]c25k

daily check-in (what even is a day)

yeah soz, it's Saturday here and my last post was.... Thursday? IDEK. how does time.

How's it going? I think we're due some mysterious details from Diana and a swimming report from Christine. Don't make me get out the whip, because I'm not sure I could hold it at present.

Anyway, let me tell you all about my horrible horrible Friday :p I worked for 18 hours (yes, eighteen - that's eight plus eight and another two) which included wrapping up my awful gigantic job before the deadline (I did) and pushing through a bunch of extra things so I'd get to have a three-day weekend.
I did not have time for anything that would have taken longer than 2 minutes because I was already bending the space/time continuum, so I got my 1000 jumping jacks and a few exercise ball push-ups in, but even that much was frankly a miracle under the circumstances.
I ate... the Olivia Dunham diet, lol. Muesli and Scotch. (Not together). Total health fail.

I've also been experiencing more phantom quakes than usual (a phenomenon that often happens in the weeks after a major earthquake and lots of aftershakes - you start to think the earth is moving when it's not, and of course sleep deprivation enhances it because your brain starts to fuck with you).

In short, it was one sucky hellmouth of a day/night.

So today (Sat) I was planning on going for a nice bike ride but a) I went to bed at 5am and when I got up at 11, I was still totally shattered, b) it's pissing down by the bucketfuls, and c) my fucking period came 2 fucking days early. Normally I don't mind exercising while on my period because I find it loosens up the muscles and reduces cramps, but not today, nope, fuck that shit. Today is my flopping around in zombie space and not doing a damn thing that involves anything more strenuous than petting a cat.

On the upside: THREE-DAY WEEKEND! During which I am bound to move again at some point. Probably.