February 2017

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December 7th, 2016

[info]aldiara in [info]c25k

Daily check-in

omg I need a check-in post, so sorry if this is slightly early for you guys! The perceived peer pressure is definitely working, because I was having one of those 12-hour work days where I would normally totes have skipped the workout, but I wanted something to report so I divvied up my work into hourly piles and whenever I had 5-10 minutes left of the hour after doing the work, I'd do some stretches or squats or sit-ups or jumping jacks or what-have-you.

Well, I ended up having time left on the hour quite a lot, so I ended up doing my full workout piecemeal throughout the day (in fact, I think I did more than usual, because I did so much little stuff but still completed my full sets too!). Normally I prefer getting it done in one go (I do move around so I don't get stiff at my desk - which reminds me, I need to write an ode to my beloved exercise ball at some point!), but this felt like a more manageable way of doing it on a day where I would otherwise just have said "I can't take an hour out of my day today, so sod it."

So between all the work and all the mini-workouts, I feel proper exhausted now. BED!

How's everyone doing today? Come tell us so we can cheer you!

[info]spaghettitoes in [info]c25k

Daily Check-In Post

Is this okay? Am I allowed to sneak in because modly time-zones don't match mine?

This is a secret, mystery ninja post.

Because today should have been my skip day but work stuff makes gyming tomorrow complicated so it's tomorrow instead. I had roast turkey for lunch and I was sooo full I didn't eat my jelly this afternoon (long story, it's <100cal snack).

But I still forced my legs to cycle 6.86miles, they objected to nearly every inch but I survived. Just.

How's everyone else getting on?