June 17th, 2008

[info]reojo in [info]btstakethree

Talkin jivey, poison ivy

Hair of the dog. That is what I needed right now. It was freezing in here even though I had slept on the couch in front of the fire. The fire was out now. My head was pounding with a dull ache and after all of that whiskey last night I was surprised that I hadn't puked. You never know, it could still happen. Sat up very slowly so the room wouldn't spin. Didn't matter when I got up it was still spinning. Grabbing the whiskey bottle I took a couple of swallows. Ugh, that tasted horrible this morning. Hopefully that'd do the trick. Otherwise, I'd have to raid Bobby's cupboards again. This time in search of aspirin.

When I stood up all the way I realized that I was naked. Did Paul and I...? No. He just got up in left and I sat in front of the fire for awhile and listened to him snore until he passed out. He even missed s'mores. Guess it shows that the big touch FBI agent can't handle his liquor. At least, not in comparison to me. Who am I kidding? I didn't pass out much later than he did.

Walked over to the fire and crouched down trying to get it started again. I put a couple more logs on it. Crap. It got snuffed out. Reached in and took out the logs. As I was taking out the second log a small spark landed on my thigh. "Fuck! Ow." That made a nice big fat red mark on my leg. Now I needed aspirin and burn cream. Put some kindling in and got that going nice before adding the logs back. They caught this time thankfully.

Standing up I brushed my hands off and started to reach for my t-shirt. That was when I heard a groaning coming from the other room. Threw the t-shirt on and once it was on I saw that it was on inside out. Shit! Took it off and put it back on again, this time the right way. Heard Paul coming out of the bedroom and squeaked as I dove back on the couch making it creak. Frantically I grabbed the blanket and was able to save myself from further embarrassment from him seeing my bare ass. At least, I hoped he didn't. Now, I just had to get him out so I could throw some pants on. "Mornin'." I said looking over the couch at him.

July 2008

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