May 4th, 2008

[info]deancantdrive55 in [info]btstakethree

Saving Sarah Silverman

"Orange? That's just fucking great Xander." Way to know your slayer there zen watcher pirate boy. Sam was cracking up as I turned around, pushing the cart out of line at the check out and back into the camping section. I'd found a blue tent, but the sleeping bag for her was going to be going back. Needed an orange sleeping bag. Sam wandered over to the hunting area and I let him go. At least this store was big enough that they'd probably have an orange sleeping bag. And we could pick up some rock salt and empty shells without getting any extra attention. Gotta love Cabela's, one stop shopping for all your hunting needs.

Sam came back over smirking and dumped a bright orange hunting vest in the cart. Couldn't help but crack up seeing that. Maybe this Sam would be alright after all. Hell, I might even stop giving him shit about Anna, seeing as how we hadn't gotten any hits searching for her on the internet yet.

Done shopping we loaded up the Impala and got the hell out of Salt Lake City. They still had a mormons in this world and that wasn't any sort of place for me to hang out. Decided to push it and slept in Sacramento before pushing down the road to LA.

Even stopped to wrap up the presents we'd gotten Soly.

Pulled up to the hotel the next morning, trying not to smirk. This was going to be a good day. Had Sam back, my baby, and Sol all in the same damn place. No way was the world going to blow up on me this time.

"Come on Sammy, ain't got all day to stand around and stare." Looked like the girls had been busy cleaning more since I'd been gone. Hell, there weren't even any busted windows left facing the street.

"Don't worry, your room is free. Just keep it down after ten, and no smoking."

July 2008

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