April 22nd, 2008

[info]freakygwen in [info]btstakethree

plans to be made

There was this job. This job that I'd definitely need some extra help with. I didn't usually like to work with anyone else as a general rule but there are always exceptions. This job was going to pay be a hundred m's if I could pull it off. Giving up a small percentage of that to the band of merry do-gooders wouldn't hurt too badly. I'd offer them five and I'm sure their eyes would bug out for that.

The catch was that the item that needed to be retrieved was kinda not of this area. Way out and further than the usual BFE. It was in the spirit world and the only one that I knew of to have any idea how I could get in and out of there was my good friend Wesley. Plus, Dawn was good at sniffing out a portal. If a portal was what I needed. I wasn't even sure. All I had was a name. Then I'd need the punch power of Spike to back me up if things got sketchy while I was in there.

Walked into their office and Dawn was on the phone. She waved at me and pointed in the direction behind me where Spike was sitting on the couch with a newspaper. There was a dark haired woman without shoes on dusting some bookshelves. Looked over at Wesley's office and it looked like the boss wasn't in yet this morning.

"Hey hey fang boy. Your boss around?"

July 2008

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