April 8th, 2008

[info]bloody_willy in [info]btstakethree

There I Was

Been a right bugger the last few days. Niblet's been moping around since Wes took off to find Angel. There hasn't been squat on the telly. Nothing but repeats and repeats of reality shows, which really ought to be against the law. Everytime the phone rings or she thinks she hears something she jumps, and its starting to drive me up a wall. Really don't think watcher boy is coming back anytime soon, if ever.

Least its been a bit since her last vision about the soddin demon rats. Given her a chance to rest up a bit. Course the second she's rested she starts pissin and moanin about being cooped up and bored. No way to bloody well win with her.

"Bit! Timberlake is naked!" Yell for her from my chair, hearing her fussing in the kitchen. Its one of our games, I get her to run in hoping to see a naked nancy boy and she ends up seeing Stallone punching a cow instead. Hear something break in the kitchen and smirk. Usually its followed by her cussin at me, but a second passes and I don't hear a peep from her potty mouth.

Shit. Vision.

Run in and find her on the floor. "What now?" Sit down next to her and she tells me the latest through clenched teeth. Some girl about to appear in the middle of Sunset just past Fletcher. Going to end up roadkill. Great, the champion sent to protect jaywalkers.

"I'm on my way bit." Grab my coat and hit the stairs. No time to waste from what she told me.

July 2008

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