The Brown Coats - March 25th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 25th, 2008

Firefly - Life Ain't No Vid Game [Mar. 25th, 2008|10:15 pm]
Title: Life Ain't No Vid Game
Author: BookwormDragon ([info]bookworm_2005)
Beta: [info]bitterfig
Characters: Mal, The Operative, the Crew mentioned
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG
Summary: Mal's thoughts on the Operative.

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[Mar. 25th, 2008|11:33 pm]
Title: Of Mountains and Molehills
Author: [info]this_weirdness
Summary: Mal reflects on the wisdom of deciding to sell his cargo to Patience
Rating: G
Characters: Mal
Spoilers/Timeline: Takes place during 'Serenity' the pilot episode.
Disclaimer: t'aint mine.
Author's Note: This is my first attempt at a Firefly fanfic. It's short, but hopefully sweet. Feedback appreciated. Beta'd by gwenfrewi72 at LJ. Cross-posted to [info]firefly_fanfic.

Of Mountains and Molehills

“Didn't she shoot you one time?”

“Everybody's making a fuss.”

So, she shot me. Big deal. Been shot before, no doubt be shot again. Probably by Patience. BOO hway-HUN duh PUO-foo. Wouldn't trust her as far as I could spit her. Maybe this ain't such a good idea. Nah, it weren't that bad last time. She winged me is all. One in the arm, and one in the leg. Was the one in the arm that hurt like hell. One in the leg was more of a scrape, a scratch even. Walked away. If a man can walk, he can fly, and that's what's really important. Flying free. So long as we make it out alive, that's all that matters. Getting paid would be nice. Getting paid without getting shot would be better. Still, beggars can't be choosers. Just don't see why everyone is making such a fuss. This is what we do. This is what we always do.
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