The Life and Times of Two Slackers - July 30th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Life and Times of Two Slackers

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July 30th, 2010

[Jul. 30th, 2010|10:05 pm]
Tears were heavy in her eyes as she emptied drawers, clothes falling methodically into borrowed suitcases that rested on the bed she had shared with Laura for the past year. That day had been the final straw, when her wife had been held captive and there was nothing that she could've done to stop it. She decided in the heat of the moment that she would relocate to the basestar with their children. Alyssa and William weren't safe on that ship, and Billie couldn't fathom keeping them there in harms way. It would be extremely irresponsible on her part and if anything happened to them, she knew she would never be able to forgive herself. As it was, she was already wracked with guilt that Laura had been a target simply for the fact that they were married.

When she had gathered all of Alyssa and William's toys and clothes, Billie zipped up each suitcase and settled on the bed, her eyes concentrated on the floor as she waited for Laura to come home. Their daughter laid curled up next to her, Alyssa's head in her lap as Billie ran her fingers through her soft brunette hair. She knew that it was going to take every bit of willpower that she had to break this to Laura, to tell her that she couldn't stay with her, at least, not there. Not on that ship, when she didn't feel that her children were safe. It broke her heart into pieces, because she loved Laura more than life, but her childrens' safety meant more to her than anything else. Kissing the top of Alyssa's head, Billie sighed as she laid back, her eyes closing until she heard the sound of the President's entourage right outside of the door.
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