
Welcome to the Brightstar Reserve, nestled in the Beartooth Mountains of Montana. It's employees are responsible for a large and diverse group of beasts, beings, and plant life. Located across Hercinia Lake from the small, unincorporated municipality of Snowcap, the Reserve is far from the unrest in cities like New York, Salem, Chicago, and Monterey, just as everyone likes it.

However, just like the latest trends, politics and discord never seem to stay confined to the cities for long. Beings and those with cross-species lineage are pushing back against generations of regulations and even deeper entrenched suspicions. Leaving one to ask, what does it mean to be magical?

May 11th, 2019



Who: Will Moody, a drunken bachelorette party, and a knight in shining armor
What: Will wanders off into the wilds of Vegas, makes a friend, shares a secret, and gets some food for thought.
When: Late evening, Friday, May 3.
Where: Niffler's Paradise → the street → a coffeeshop.
Warnings: Sexual harrassment, religious discussion, some crying, plenty o' feels.

Abhor that which is evil, and cleave unto that which is good. )



Who: JJ Monroe & Lina Okeanós
What: We have an offer you can't refuse...
When: Friday, 10 May 2019 | Early Afternoon
Where: BACO's rental in Snowcap
Warnings: Plot like whoa...

You aren't exactly Miss Popular here, so it's not like you'll make friends anyway )

'The Watchwitch' Blog: DRAMA WATCH )



Email to Zophiel Brightstar )



Who: Nora Adler and Finn Campbell
What: Newlyweds comiserating. Or something.
When: 11 May 2019 | Mid-Afternoon
Where: Delilah's Diner
Warnings: TBD

Maybe some ice cream with pie. That sounded really fantastic right about now. )



Who: Tony W, Kent Brightstar, and Cate Adler
What: Viva Las Vegas!
When: The witching hours, very early on Saturday, May 4
Where: The Vegas Demimonde
Warnings: A little kissing. A little sad. Mostly fine.

Need to drop a few coins in the fountain to improve your luck for later? )



Who: Felix Weissman and Stevie Wyrzykowski
What: Dinner and wine and discussion
When: Sunday, May 5, 2019 | Evening
Where: Their apartment
Warnings: None

Having dinner like this was strangely normal in a way that few things had been for him lately. )