
Welcome to the Brightstar Reserve, nestled in the Beartooth Mountains of Montana. It's employees are responsible for a large and diverse group of beasts, beings, and plant life. Located across Hercinia Lake from the small, unincorporated municipality of Snowcap, the Reserve is far from the unrest in cities like New York, Salem, Chicago, and Monterey, just as everyone likes it.

However, just like the latest trends, politics and discord never seem to stay confined to the cities for long. Beings and those with cross-species lineage are pushing back against generations of regulations and even deeper entrenched suspicions. Leaving one to ask, what does it mean to be magical?

April 20th, 2019



Who: Felix Weissman and Stevie Wyrzykowski
What: Moving day
When: Saturday, April 20, 2019 | Morning
Where: Stevie's Their apartment
Warnings: None

Well, let's see how this goes, then. )



Who: All the Proudfoots, and one Alex Vasquez
What: Family Dinner + Family Meeting the Boyfriend :O
When: Saturday, April 20th 2019 | Evening
Where: Proudfoot Family Home (aka Joseph's house)
Warnings: we'll see! (and i'll update as stuff happens)

Proudfoots meet Alex, Alex meet Proudfoots )



Well, the familial visit was certainly not quite what I was expecting. I was totally expecting Dad to be the one who wasn't so interested or didn't approve, and Mom to be the one who was more clucky and keen on the details of what I was doing here. Turns out they walked out of here with Dad signed up to a visitor membership - not entirely sure who charmed him into that, because it wasn't me - and Mom asking at least five times if I was sure I wanted to be here. Well, that was certainly keeping me on my toes.