bridge command ; out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
bridge command ; out of character

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[29 Jun 2009|01:48pm]
Hi everyone. I'm sorry I've been inactive the last few days, I've been super busy with a family reunion. Most of my family from out of town is gone now, some are staying a whole month. That normally wouldn't be a problem, but I'm having some difficulty connecting with Alice and the game. Add to that the additional stress/chaos of having guests and the drastic cut on the amount of free time that I'm going to have for the next few weeks. I'm worried I won't be able to write regularly enough to do the game justice so I've decided it would be best to withdraw.

I had fun with the couple of threads I participated in and I wish I'd gotten the chance to play with more of you. Good luck with the game!
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