bridge command ; out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
bridge command ; out of character

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[19 Jun 2009|05:04pm]
Hey all! As per usual, if you haven't already, run the F-button, etc., although I think most of you are very astute and quick to do it without any prompting from us modly types.

And on that note, we've been doing a bit of thinking on how to keep everyone active. We've got our first mission going in order to promote the idea of putting characters together in a way that gets players interacting with people they might not ordinarily have a line with, but we're wondering if we need to do more to help that along. Not that we want to be micromanaging everyone or anything! Everyone's been doing great so far, we just wanted to know if there was any way we can help encourage more activity. So, would those on the ship who aren't directly involved in the mission want us to post up a couple of thread/log prompts on a weekly basis? I.E. something goes wrong in the engine room that requires the attention of techs and some medics, etc. Or would it be better to let everyone try to come up with things for themselves?

Whatever you guys need or want from us and this game, we'd be happy to help out! Any suggestions on how to keep things active and fun are very much appreciated, and as always, we are taking ideas for future missions and plot ideas in the drop box if anyone wants to play something out! Feedback is great! Thanks! Exclamations! Happy face! :]
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[ viewing | June 19th, 2009 ]
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