bridge command ; out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
bridge command ; out of character

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Welcome! [09 Jun 2009|10:35am]
Welcome, everyone. We're happy to announce that USS Endeavour is now open and ready for action. Everyone, please feel free to post to our ooc comm, [info]bridgecommand, to introduce yourselves and discuss lines with the other players. If you haven't already, please add the other journals through the friend button. We will be adding a more visually pleasing character directory soon.

Also, as you may have noticed, we've posted our first 'mission' in [info]ussendeavour, detailing the location and purpose of the current mission. There isn't much to detail just yet, since our crew is still on the Earth spacedock, allowing everyone a little time to get acquainted. They will be leaving the spacedock on Sunday, when we will put up another mission post, etc.

That's it for now! We hope everyone has a good time here!
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Y hallo! [09 Jun 2009|10:38am]
Yayay! I'm probably more excited about this than I should be, but I'm not really sure if I care or not. ANYWAY. Introductions. I'm Ashley, I'm a college student in WI, studying Classical Civilizations, Language and Literature, and I work for the campus IT department. I'm currently on summer vacation, thank you bb Jesus, but I work 8 hours every other day, including weekends, which isn't terrible. I'm able to write and be on aim at work, and I have little work to do now that I'm a supervisor, so generally, the only time I'm unavailable is when I'm driving to work/school, and when I'm sleeping. Sad, I know. Don't care. I can be reached at PEACE OF NICIAS on aim and also at

Here I have Lieutenant Eden Harari. Yes. Yes she is half Vulcan. Mostly because it's hilarious to me. Also because I had an idea for a character, and adding that made her a little more interesting. While her mother didn't full accept Vulcan philosophy, she did teach it to Eden, but never forced her to accept it. Like her mother, she prefers to balance emotion and logic, but there are obviously instances where one might outweigh the other, and this can make her a little unpredictable.

Eden was raised on several different pre-war planets behind holograms and duck blinds. As a child she very rarely had contact with people her own age, and this has made her a little socially awkward. She's a very observant person, and has a habit of "studying" her peers, even if she knows it's not polite to stare, there might be something about a person that compels her to do it anyway, instead of being a normal person and talking to them. Creeper. She willingly spends a lot of her free time alone, but doesn't actually go out of her way to avoid company. If invited somewhere, she'll go without prodding, but be prepared for awkward situations.

Eden is the Endeavour's chief communications officer, and also an officer in archaeology and anthropology in the sciences division. She graduated Starfleet Academy with double majors in astral anthropology and xenolinguistics, and was placed as an exosocialogy and linguistics specialist. She was moved to communications as linguistic support, and was recently promoted to her current rank and position. The destruction of Vulcan has left her more confused about herself than she has ever been. While she feels as terrible as anyone that an entire planet and everyone on it was destroyed, she feels too detached to take it personally. She's unsure if she just doesn't care that much or if she's unconsciously suppressed her emotions about it. Omg dilemma right? Idk, ANWAY. I wrote you a novel. Sorry.

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[09 Jun 2009|12:24pm]
Hola~ I'm Lee, one of your friendly neighborhood mods. I'm a recent college graduate and have a summer job that would normally keep me away from the computer in the daylight hours, buuut at the moment I have a cold, which gives me plenty of time to be here. If anyone needs anything or has any questions or, god forbid, just wants to chat, you might be able to find me on aim at antikytherawreck.

Now for the important part: this is Lt. Wylie Nowak (pronounced with a V instead of a W sound), the helmsman...woman...officer type, which means she spends most of her time on the bridge and proving that women can, in fact, drive. She's a normal human gal from Earth, born and bred to join Starfleet. Both of her parents were officers, her mother being more famously known as a Commander and instructor in Advanced Tactical Training at the Academy, while her father is a murse-turned-doctor. Her entire life has revolved around Starfleet, and she grew up mostly in the company of her father and two older brothers, so she's tomboyish, and likes to believe she's tough, in spite of being a midget. Basically, she's your standard smartass pilot, who has a respect for the military, but always tiptoes on the edge of disobedience. Wylie likes to have fun, but she works just as hard as she plays and is incredibly dedicated to her job. She's been on the Endeavour since its first launch, and was the one to take her out of spacedock the first go around. Oh, and her oldest brother died in the Battle of Vulcan, so she's a little bit...touchy about it, but she doesn't like to talk about it much and prefers to act as if she's perfectly fine.

Anyway! That's Wylie in a nutshell. I'd love to get some lines going for her -- crew she's served with since the beginning, former cadet classmates, people who know her mother as a hardass security officer/instructor, etc. Anything, really! I'm really happy to have everyone here and look forward to playing! :D
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Intro [09 Jun 2009|02:23pm]
Hello everyone. It's kind of amusing that I'm glad I couldn't sleep last night, since I found this game while browsing ad communities. Hurray for insomnia? Without further ado on to the introductions; I'm Greg, a full-time college student, part-time member of the workforce, and thankfully I'm on summer break from college. I live on the East Coast and can be reached at random times on aim at astartes917, but most often late night/early morning since I'm a bit of a night owl.

I present Lieutenant Junior Grade Brian Allen Astor to you all. He was the only child to a Starfleet father and civilian mother, he never truly knew either, but his father had a significant impact on his life. The man was KIA when he was just a baby and his mother spent life after being treated for psychological issues before she ended her life. His birth parents are a touchy issue and when they're brought up he tries to deflect attention to the couple he considers his true parents, his grandfather and grandmother. Whom he disappointed in his application to Starfleet, they wanted to keep him as far away from it as possible, but didn't stand in the way when it came time for him to choose.

His father's life as an operative for Starfleet Intelligence was grander than the reality, it turned out, but the imagined glories fueled Brian's desire to follow in the man's footsteps. He was admitted to the academy on his first try, and upon graduation he got his wish and was accepted into Intelligence. There he was little more than a paper-pusher to start, but it was during his time as an attaché that he had his first away mission. Needless to say it got the blood pumping and he spent the remainder of his time at Intelligence regretting his choice to enter it rather than serve aboard a starship. The attack on Vulcan and Earth pushed his regrets about his career choice over the edge and he requested a transfer. Given the fact able bodies were needed, it was granted, and he is a relatively recent addition to the Endeavour. He has only been on board six weeks, and he currently serves as a security officer.

That was longer than I meant it to be, sorry for that, but I'll blame the fact I'm eager to be here. Storyline wise; I'd particularly like to flesh out a friendship or two he might have forged during his time at the Academy from 2247-2251, maybe a rival from that time too, perhaps some acquaintances from his time following Commodore Swift around the galaxy as his attaché, and almost anything else. If you have any ideas at all feel free to contact me here, via pm, or on aim if I'm around.
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[09 Jun 2009|06:19pm]
Hi, hi. I'm Mia and this is Kaito. Kaito is half Trill and serves as a human ambassador currently aboard the Endeavor as consequence of the Vulcan tragedy. He's very fond of politics, a pacifist and used to be the popular kid in high school and college. His regard for Starfleet is both high, in that he believes they are the Federation's only hope to defend itself, and low, in that he believes the presence of any standing army is a direct threat to democracy.

I'm eager to find lines for him and get to playing. Sadly I'm going to be out of town for the rest of the week until Sunday, so my replies may be a little bit delayed.
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