Sunday, December 7th, 2008

Who: Jacob Black
When: 7th December, 2008
Where: Forks, Washington: Cullen House
What: War talk. Or getting talked out of war.
Rating: PG-13

He didn't bother knocking as he opened the door. )
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Saturday, November 29th, 2008

Who: Jacob Black & Renesmee Cullen
When: 18th November, 2008
Where: Forks, Washington: Cullen House
What: Jake wants to see Nessie.
Rating: G

'Did someone order a really awesome part-time wolf?' )
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Monday, November 24th, 2008

Who: Quil Ateara, Jacob Black, Evelyn Cortese, Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen, & Alison Matthews
NPCs: ---
When: 25th November, 2008
Where: Forks, Washington: Cullen Home
What: The werewolves meet some of the Cullens.
Rating: PG

It didn't look like a lair, but it definitely reeked of vampires. )
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Who: Rebecca Black and Jacob Black
What: She's brooding about her ex and something else
Where: The Black house
When: 24th of November: Late afternoon
Rating: PG/PG-13

It sucks not to have the answers. )
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Sunday, November 23rd, 2008

-- E-Mail to Nessie --

To: Nessie Cullen
From: Jacob Black
Subject: Just A Thought
Attached: Picture File

you have 1 unread message )
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Saturday, November 22nd, 2008

Who: Quil Ateara & Jacob Black
When: 22nd November, 2008: Afternoon
Where: La Push, Washington
What: Quil and Jacob fix a car.
Rating: G

It would be just him, the car, and Quil when he got there. )
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Friday, November 21st, 2008

-- Text Message to Quil --

To: Quil
From: Jacob

you have 1 unread text message )
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Who: Jacob Black, Bella Cullen, & Charlie Swan
When: 15th November, 2008 (Backdated) - After this
Where: Forks, Washington: Charlie's House
What: Bella and Jake visit Charlie in hopes of convincing him to go live with Sue while the Volturi Guards are in town.
Rating: PG

There were contingency plans in place there, should anything go wrong. )
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Monday, November 17th, 2008

Who: Leah and Jacob
When: When Jacob gets off his fat butt and comes to get her.
Where: La Push, Highways, Seattle, maybe a resturant or three.
What: Getting some stuff from Leah's apartment and other things that Jacob and Leah have planned.
Rating: TBD

Let the tormenting begin )
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Friday, November 14th, 2008

Who: Melanie Abbott, Jacob Black, Embry Call, Alison Matthews, Niall Riley
When: 13th November, 2008: Morning
Where: Forks, Washington: Motel
What: The shapeshifters visit the werewolves.
Rating: PG

Jacob was nothing if not blunt and straight to the point. )
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Friday, November 7th, 2008

Who: Jacob Black & Bella Cullen
When: 30th October, 2008: Nighttime
Where: Denali, Alaska
What: Jake misses home.
Rating: G

Damn Billy's sixth sense about that sort of thing. )
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Thursday, November 6th, 2008

Who: Jacob Black & Rebecca Black
When: 6th November, 2008: Morning
Where: Hawaii: Rebecca's Former Home
What: Jake comes to Hawaii to pick Rebecca up. In the process, her ex might be beaten up.
Rating: PG-13

Hopefully she would be still at her friend's place, while he took care of business. )
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Friday, October 24th, 2008

Who: Nessie and anyone who wants to join!
When: Oct. 24, 2008 [When the sun is out.]
Where: Denali, Alaska - Cullen Home
What: Nessie's bored.
Rating: G!
Bored Nessie is bored. )
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Sunday, October 19th, 2008

Who: Jacob Black & Katrina
When: 19th October, 2008
Where: Denali, Alaska: Forests // Cullen Home
What: What Jacob Black does in the company of vampires, in middle of nowhere.
Rating: PG

...and then disappeared with the leeches that he had hated so much once upon a time. )
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Sunday, February 3rd, 2008

Who: The Denali Sisters, the Pack, and the Volturi Guard
When: 4th February, 2008 [Forwarddated]
Where: Outside Forks: An Abandoned Building
What: Rebecca gets rescued from the big bad Volturi.
Rating: R

'Can we do this already?' )

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Wednesday, January 30th, 2008

Who: Katrina OT Tanya and Jacob
When: Present Time
Where: Kate and Tanya's house, and then the woods by the treaty line.
What: Kate's chosen to help the wolves, she's telling her sister, and then going to offer her assistance to the first werewolf that finds her
Rating: TBD

The guilt she felt already told her doing nothing was not an option...If the roles had been reversed, and one of the wolves had taken her sister, Kate would be attacking. )

[Tanya and Jacob!]
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Tuesday, January 29th, 2008

Who: Emily Young, OT Sam Uley, Jacob Black, Rachel Black, Leah Clearwater, Embry Call and Shane Magasiva
When: Backdated to when the Pack found out about Rebecca being taken
Where: Emily and Sam's house
What: Spreading the news that Rebecca is missing, and reactions, potential plotting to get her back?
Rating: TBD

you didn't need to have special powers to know something was seriously wrong )
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Sunday, January 13th, 2008

Who: Jacob Black, Rachel Black, Rebecca Black-Magasiva, and Shane Magasiva
When: 13th January, 2008: Morning
Where: La Push: Black Household: Kitchen
What: Siblingness!
Rating: PG

'That was mines!' )

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Friday, January 4th, 2008

Who: Jacob Black and Embry Call
When: 4th January. 2007
Where: La Push
What: Friends stuff? Talking about Bella maybe.
Rating: E for Emo.

That was when he went into his room and refused to come out, even for meals and school. )

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Wednesday, December 26th, 2007

Who: Quil Ateara and Jacob Black
When: 26th December, 2007: Sunset
Where: La Push: Ateara House
What: Jacob goes to bug Quil.
Rating: PG-13

He still had to go harass him about Mike Spears. )

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