Monday, December 8th, 2008

Who: Heidi
When: 8th December, 2008, night time
Where: Port Angeles
What: Hunting
Rating: R, death, violence

The screaming started, and it only excited her more )
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Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008

-- Text Message to Alec/Heidi/Jane/Renata --

To: Alec, Heidi, Jane, & Renata
From: Felix

you have 1 unread text message )
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Sunday, November 30th, 2008

-- E-Mail to the Masters --

To: Aro, Caius, Marcus
CC: Alec, Heidi, Jane, Renata
From: Felix
Subject: The Cullens

you have 1 unread message )
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Friday, November 21st, 2008

-- E-Mail to the Masters --

To: Aro, Caius, Marcus
CC: Alec, Heidi, Jane, Renata
From: Felix
Subject: Mission

you have 1 unread message )
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Friday, November 14th, 2008

Who: Felix & Heidi
When: 14th November, 2008: Nighttime
Where: South Africa
What: What Heidi and Felix have been up to in Africa.
Rating: R

This village had been much nicer than the others, but in the end, it was all fires and dead bodies just like the others. )
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Thursday, November 6th, 2008

Who: Felix, Heidi, & Dezirae Koroma
When: 6th November, 2008: Nighttime
Where: Ethiopia
What: Heidi and Felix collect some heads.
Rating: R

'Come out, come out wherever you are.' )
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Sunday, November 2nd, 2008

Who: Alec, Felix, Heidi, Jane, & Renata
When: 2nd November, 2008: Nighttime
Where: Rome, Italy: Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino Airport
What: The Guard separates to take on different missions.
Rating: PG

'Looks like we're splitting up, boys and girls.' )
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Thursday, October 23rd, 2008

Who: Heidi and Felix
NPCs: Brief mention of lower ranking guards, The Volturi, and dead humans.
When: 23nd October, 2008: Early Morning
Where: The Volturi Castle
What: New Orders
Rating: PG-13

Useless, completely useless. Only there to serve as food. )

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Sunday, January 13th, 2008

Who: Felix and Heidi
When: 13th January, 2008
Where: Forks: Lakeside
What: Felix and Heidi have a snark off.
Rating: PG-13

'Are you here to provide me with company?' )

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Wednesday, January 2nd, 2008

Who: Heidi and Jane
When: 1 January, 2008, evening
Where: Forks; off the beaten path
What: Harmless female bonding.
Rating: PG-13

Happy New Year )
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Monday, December 31st, 2007

Who: Heidi
When: 26 December, 2007 (backdated)
Where: Quebec City, Canada
What: Heidi receives the order to visit to Forks.
Rating: PG

No, she would hardly be needed; she was sure of it. )
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