Tuesday, December 9th, 2008

To: Members of the Denali clan
From: Carlisle Cullen
Subject: A visit

you have 1 unread message )
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Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008

[ Letter written and sent priority first class to Volterra, Italy ]

To: Aro, Marcus, Caius
From: Dr. Carlisle Cullen

The envelope is sealed with the Cullen crest )
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Monday, November 24th, 2008

Who: Quil Ateara, Jacob Black, Evelyn Cortese, Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen, & Alison Matthews
NPCs: ---
When: 25th November, 2008
Where: Forks, Washington: Cullen Home
What: The werewolves meet some of the Cullens.
Rating: PG

It didn't look like a lair, but it definitely reeked of vampires. )
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Saturday, November 1st, 2008

Who: Alice, OPEN to Carlisle or anyone in Alaska!
Where: Alaska, the Denali house
What: Alice sees who is coming to visit Forks.
When: A day or two after Alice and Jasper return.
Rating: TBA, probably tame.

Alice was in the parlor, setting out a few of the knick-knacks she'd bought for the Denali sisters while she and Jasper were away. If Kate and Tanya didn't like what she'd bought, they could always get rid of it, but it'd be more fun if they just found it there.

She was in the middle of rearranging a shelf near the fireplace when she stiffened, the vase she'd been holding - new, thankfully, and not something the sisters had already owned and might be fond of - slipped from her fingers to crash to the floor, her eyes glazing over a bit as she watched what was happening in her head, instead of what she was looking at.

Alice was used to the way her visions work, the haziness that was deeper for the things most subject to change. This was clear enough that it was almost certain, and she gasped in air she didn't actually need, biting her lip as the vision ended and looking around, disoriented for a moment. She had to tell Carlisle.
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Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008

Who: Esme Cullen
When: October 22, 2008- Night time
Where: Denali, Alaska-Cullen Home
What: Esme passing the time.
Rating: G

a lost light from an unlikely little forest in Washington )

(Open to any one in Denali.)
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Monday, January 28th, 2008

Who: Esme, Carlisle
Where: Cullen Mansion, their room
When: After the kidnapping is revealed
What: Talking about the kidnapping
Rating: PG
Status: Complete!

Esme had been waiting for Carlisle to return. )
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Tuesday, January 15th, 2008

Who: Carlisle & ???
When: Wed Afternoon
Where: The Cullen Residence
What: Family discussions? Whatever comes up
Rating: TBA

...it was at least another thirty minutes until anything good came on the classic movie channel )

OPEN to the Cullen household
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Monday, December 10th, 2007

Who: Carlisle Cullen and Rosalie Hale
When: November 25th, 2007; Evening
Where: Carlisle's study
What: He's escaping plate patterns, dress designs and anything else to do with planning a wedding ;]
Rating: TBD

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