TWILIGHT FANS' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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[01 Jun 2008|02:50pm]
[info]twilightreborn emmett cullen, james, laurent, members of the denali clan, some la pushers.
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cause i want it now, i want it now [01 Jun 2008|08:30pm]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | muse - hysteria ]

okay so i think i worked out the meaning behind the cover to "breaking dawn". if you havne't seen it yet, [info]uninvited posted it here

now, the white piece is a queen and the red piece is a pawn... this gets long )

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[01 Jun 2008|09:23pm]
I thought it was about time to create a community for fans of The Host. Join [info]gonenative if you enjoyed to book as much as Twilight!
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[ viewing | June 1st, 2008 ]
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