The Unofficial Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab Asylum's Journal
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Tuesday, January 1st, 2008

    Time Event
    First bump of 2008, sorry
    ...but I thought I'd let you know that I've added some BPTP massage oil decants to my sale-and-swap post -- which also includes Lab imps of many of the recently discontinued scents, in case you wanted to try them before January 24.

    I'm very open to swapping LEs for (a larger quantity of) GC's, or for other e-tailer product.
    Also, I continue to swap my stuff for your donations to your favorite charity.
    Pantheacon meet 'n' sniff, progress report
    Here's the latest on my cunning plan to hold a BPAL meetup at this year's Pantheacon (a pagan gathering in San Jose, CA, in mid-February).

    So far it sounds like the most popular timeslots would be either:

    - Saturday, 2/16, midafternoon, like 2:30pm to 5:30pm, or something?
    - Sunday, 2/17, brunch, maybe 12 noon to 3pm

    Let me know which one works best! ...Also, I've just ordered a few special party favors (muah hah hah), in addition to the free food & free caffeine.

    And, I think I'll bring my imp of Fruitcake for sniffing -- this presuming the airline doesn't confiscate, or lose, it.

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