The Unofficial Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab Asylum's Journal
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Sunday, December 30th, 2007

    Time Event
    Welcome to the bpal community on IJ!
    My name is Kathy L., and you may know me as one of the moderators of BPALanonymous on LiveJournal -- or as the organizer of some meetups over on .

    I'd like to make this a community that everyone enjoys, so maybe as you join the comm, you could post to this thread with some suggestions for what you'd like to see here, and also what you DON'T want to see? I'll get started:

    - I like setting up RL meetups, myself, so it would be great if this comm gets used as a resource for that. And while I'm in the United States (New York, to be precise), global meetups in Europe, Australia, etc. would be brilliant.

    - Also, I'm always interested in hearing about people's spirituality, and how they might use these scents in personal devotions/rituals of their own.

    - And I enjoy threads matching up scents to characters in a fandom you're part of; or a game you're playing; or original fiction you're working on...

    - Lemme see, one thing I'm NOT a fan of is price caps. (This is no big secret, I've told at least one of the mods as much in person.) So, as long as we're allowing sales, swaps, auctions and ISO's on this comm (which is still open to discussion, BTW), you will find no price caps here.

    Anybody want to go next?
    Might as well post my sale-and-swaplist here, too
    ETA: Full bottles now capped at $10, full LE decants now capped at $1. New apt has less storage space, so let's get this stuff outta here...

    I'm interested in swapping (for BPAL, Trading Post or TAL stuff) or bartering (for bath/body products, craft-y things, DVDs, unused makeup, maybe even CD's or gently worn clothing), or filthy lucre (non-credit-card Paypal, checks, money orders, very-well-concealed cash).

    Make me an offer -- or link me to your own swaplist -- and see what you end up with. (My wishlist is here on LJ.)

    Also, I'm still swapping my stuff for your charitable donations: you & I agree on a nonprofit and how much you're going to donate to them. Then you make the donation, send me a copy of the receipt, and I put my end of the swap in the mail to you.
    I do reserve the right to be picky about the charities involved (no Focus on the Family, kthx). Finally, the charity-for-BPAL swap thing does not include Kiva loans or Prosper loans; straight donations only.

    NB: Many of the below labels -- esp. on the older scents -- are "well loved", e.g., faded, wrinkled, or stained with oil. However, I can guarantee that the bottles & imps themselves were securely stashed away in a cool, dark place.

    NB too: After a few bad experiences, I no longer "hold" things. First one in with a Paypal payment (or a mailing address, in the case of a swap) gets it. Sorry it has to be that way, but Christmas in the human world is a cold season.

    Anyway. Here's what I have right now:

    LE, Chakras, Salon, and GC bottles )

    LE/DC/Gaiman/Panacea/Salon/Sephiroth/Tarot/Trading Post Imps (whew) )

    GC Imps )

    BPTP Merch and Non-BPAL Stuff )

    I am a bear of very little brain and long customs forms bother me, so I will probably only ship within the United States. Also, sometimes my online time is limited; if I don't respond to your comment/email within 60 seconds, I am not ignoring you.

    My bpal_feedback post is here; you can also see my forum feedback here. Also, some of you may know me from that BPALanonymous thing.

    You can leave me a message here, or at latzonik@ or latzoni@ .
    Oh, and this meetup I'm organizing (in the Bay Area in February)
    I'd like to make this year's Pantheacon meetup a bit bigger... more on the room party side of things, with refreshments, lots of frimps and things to swap, and maybe some BPTP items to give away, too. (Also, the nice thing about a room party is, people don't have to actually register for the con in order to attend...)

    The con happens in San Jose, CA, in mid-February. Bay Area folks, what would you like to see? Any suggestions?
    As of right now, we're leaning towards having this event as a Sunday brunch, or else a Saturday afternoon get-together.

    Cross-posting to, the BPAL Tribe, and some of the LJ comms.

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