Bound Secrets is a play-by-journal roleplaying game (RPG), with an urban fantasy setting. It features daily activity, original storylines and an open-world format. We look for quality plotting, intelligent characterization and creativity in our players, ones who are willing to help build a fun, enjoyable story and community through active participation and friendly interaction. The game is managed by mods with decades of collective experience, and receives frequent updates in terms of species on offer, locations, plotlines and more.


December 16th, 2014



Soon it will be cold enough

Date: June 23, 2013 (Backdated)
Time: 05.03 AM
Location: John's Apartment, Soho
Characters: John Irvine
Description: The night after the Binding.
Status: Private, complete (one-shot)

To build fires. )



Buddy cop

Date: December 16, 2013
Time: 19:46 PM
Location: Self-Storage Yard, Samhain District
Characters: Kevin Macguire, Daryl M Rochester
Description: A Guardian and a hunter bite off more than they can chew.
Status: Private, in progress.

I'm gettin' too old for this shit. )



Déjà vu

Date: 16 December 2013
Time: 10:18 AM
Location: The Burnt Wood, on approach to I-95
Characters: John Irvine, Elliot Ashford
Description: En route to pick up Katie, magical malfunctions ensue.
Status: Private, in progress.

Wrong in the right ways. )