Jun. 7th, 2010 @ 01:44 am Loony snarry.
About this Entry
TITLE: Unconventional Love 1/2
AUTHOR: Ensnarryed
GENRE: Romance. Fluff. Established Relationship (HP/SS). Hurt/Comfort.
WARNING: Sex. Very weird (loony) sex. Please be over the age of eighteen if you decide to read this.
DISCLAIMER: Harry Potter, et. al. belong to those hold the copyrights. I do not. (Now leave me alone and let me enjoy my snarry without your nasty bureaucracy!)
COUNT: 4041 words.
FEEDBACK: Anything constructive, specifically anything that involves plot or characterizatin - All welcome! I could use knowing more about what I am doing.
LAST COMMENT: May I post this fic here? This is bottom!Snape. Also, if you have any idea which community would love this type of story best, this is another kind of feedback I am looking for! Thank you, and I hope you like!
Unconventional Love 1/2