Jan. 8th, 2008 @ 08:08 pm FYI: Trading Places Art/Fic fest over at lupin_snape
About this Entry

Those of you on [info]lupin_snape probably know about this already, but since I'm all for the creation of more bottomsnape art and fic, I thought I'd pimp this fest to this comm. (Totally unofficially, as I'm not a mod over there. I just think it's a neat idea.)

The deal is simple. Writers (Snupin writers, that is) list up to three fics, and artists list up to three pieces of art. If you sign up, you agree to either write fic for a piece of signed-up art, or do art for a signed-up fic. Pretty cool premise, I think. It doesn't have to be a masterpiece. There's a 500-word minimum for fics, and art can be drawbles, so that's pretty doable. Of course, if you get inspired, you can do whatever you like.

Sign up closes at 11:59 pm Friday night, Jan 11th. So far there are 15 writers signed up, and 11 artists. There's some wonderful art to write to, but -- somewhat to my chagrin -- very little of it is NC-17. Not to say that one can't write NC-17 fic for a PG rated piece of art, but still, it seems a slight deficiency to me. ([info]fanlay? [info]akatnamedeaster? Are you hearing this?) ;-)

Here's a link to the artists sign up: Trading Places Art Sign Up

And here's a link to the fic sign up: Trading Places Fic Sign up

Read the rules before you sign up. Claiming begins on Jan 12th, and all entries are due by Feb 15th. That's doable, right?

Check it out. S'cool!