Dec. 1st, 2007 @ 01:29 pm Moddy Post - two things
About this Entry

One is that holiday season is upon us and the exchanges have begun! Yay!

So if you see any hot bottom!Snape among the offerings, please do rec them here so the rest of us can have a gander. We don't all read the exact same fests and exchanges so it can be helpful pointing them out, even if you think everyone already knows about it.

Two is that some of you wish to join the community, but have not provided your date of birth as is required. Hence you can friend and see posts like this one, but none of the flocked entries. In reverse, some of you are filling out the poll, but not friending the community. You need to do both if you want to see the posts. Just fyi.

That is all and happy exchange watching everyone!
Dec. 1st, 2007 @ 11:56 pm Snupin Rec!!
About this Entry

I'm avidly reading this year's Snupin Santa fest. So far, the two stories and one artwork I've read/seen have been lovely, but one of them was especially outstanding and I just have to rec like mad!

Mods - please delete/inform me if I'm not allowed to post a fic-rec here?

And no, I did not write this - I wish I could be half so talented!


Don't know who wrote this yet until the reveal. This is amazingly well-written, definitely NC-17 material, and you should read the warnings before progressing with the story, but it is soooooooo well-worth reading!

Hot, snarky, in-character Snupin.

Bottom!Snape without being Effeminate!Snape. Moony getting the better of Greyback. Brilliant, gripping dialog. I can't say enough good things about everything I loved about this story.

I loved Tonks in this! The author totally redeemed her for me. The dialog in this is totally brilliant and completely in-character for every character. I loved that the Author did not pull any punches and let everyone have their failings and flaws while not completely destroying those things we love about our favourite characters.

It's such a good story!