Nov. 9th, 2007 @ 01:18 am first post, new home
About this Entry
Current Mood: insanely busy

Thanks to busy schedules, ill health, and the LJ woes, we've been biding our time to see which way the wind blows. The disinterest bordering on lack of respect of LJ/6A toward fandom and fan concerns worried us greatly. Moreover, their insistence on stamping our erotic creative efforts as being obscene or child porn reveals a fundamental lack of understanding of the difference between reality and fiction that is downright dangerous. It is doubly so since they clearly demonstrated they do not care who they dub a criminal in their haste to clean their servers of what they feel is 'content lacking in social, artistic or literary value.'

So we have moved. We are going to be here for now. If things heat up or get worse, we'll consider buying space for bottomsnape on journalfen, but that's a last resort. Please don't groan, this sort of thing has been going on for awhile. Remember the old adage about not having all your eggs in one basket? The same applies to fanfic and fan art. These kerfuffles happen from time to time and there is splintering, but in the end, it's healthier for fandom. It spreads and grows new roots and yes, in some places it withers, but we also discover the good places where we can thrive and grow. What matters is not being the biggest and brightest, but shining your light as best as you can.

For now, though, what this all means to [info]bottomsnape is that the posts are going to be migrated here. The comments cannot be migrated, so if you wrote or drew something for [info]bottomsnape and want to keep your feedback, please save it to your computer. We won't delete the comm on lj, but we do feel that it's likely to get TOS'd eventually.

To save ourselves trouble here, now and in future, we are also going to be sweeping house and making sure all members are over 18. People without a posted age statement will not be approved to join.

This is to protect all of us. Sure you can friend just to watch, but as all posts with questionable material must get flocked to the list, you will likely not be able to see or read all the material.

What "questionable" means:
- any post, fic or art, that might be construed as chan (underage character w/adult)
- any post, fic or art, that contains graphic sexual content (depiction of penetration)
- any post, fic or art, that contains graphic violence or kink (such as bdsm or bloodplay, etc.)
- any post with links to fic or art that contains any of the above

Yes, we prefer to err on the side of caution and respect our kind new host's TOS.

If you need somewhere to house your fic, we rec The Archive at the End of the Universe or good, old, much-maligned, but very adult material-friendly Adult Fanfiction Net.

If you need somewhere to house your art, there is Deviant Art, although I am informed they don't care for extremely graphic sexual content, but the soft-core erotica that doesn't show bits should be all right. Digital Art Org has a special section for fan art, and is about the same.

The aforementioned The Archive at the End of the Universe also accepts adult art.

ADDENDUM: a little bird told us about weblogimages. They claim, and I quote from their own webpage Worried about censorship? Don't, no account will be closed due to any content. Check their faq for more specifics.

Lastly, if you prefer your own site, Slash City offers very low cost accounts.

That said, we thank you all for your patience so far and hope to get everything moved fairly quickly, and get a New Year's resolution fest going.

Remember to flock your posts if it's questionable. If you have any question or concern at all about a post, just flock it for safety's sake. We will be moderating posts for a few weeks until everyone gets settled in.

That said, we're glad to be in a new and friendlier environment for fans, and hope you decide to join us and take part on [info]bottomsnape.