storylines for bunkerhill's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
storylines for bunkerhill

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[07 Feb 2009|12:02pm]
Hello [info]bunkerhill! I am looking to bring someone into the community, but undecided on the pb. Who would you like to see and what type of storylines could you offer?
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[07 Feb 2009|05:43pm]
hello i bring you mikela baret (pb jennifer morrison) and i want sl's! she's 25, an art teacher at boston arts academy public high school. she moved to boston about 7 years ago to attend boston university, where she graduated with a major in visual arts and a minor in education. her bio is here. she's currently living with her younger sister [info]baret who is pretty much her best friend. she likes to go out on the weekends and have fun, but she doesn't drink to much. she gets stoned after she's done teaching for the day a lot. she likes to laugh and doesn't think much of getting stuck in the downside of life.

so, i'd love some lines for her. people she went to school with. people she may have taught in the past. ex's of both genders. friends. stoner buddies. enemies. anything really.
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