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Storyline Requests

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[03 Mar 2008|12:28am]
Anyone need any storylines filled? I can't seem to find any of the people she did have storylines with.

A brief summary of Luci:
Shes in her early 30's. Married to Cliff McManus and had her children at a very young age. Lives in Queens and works as a social worker in the Bronx. Loves to cook, dancing, sleeping in etc.

a more detailed background in her journal.

any takers?

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Her aim is now: CoyoteSteph1 - Had to change it [03 Mar 2008|07:43am]
Ok, time to start being more active with Stephanie. I am sorry. Things got a little crazy for me this year. Here are her current lines. Do you all still want these? And maybe we can make something of them? I am cleaning out her lines today, and writing an update and well, yea. If you don't want the line or if you think it isn't going anywhere tell me now. I am deleting some of her lines this week and will be more active with the lines she has now, I promise.

The Boyfriend: Scott
(This one is going just perfectly, don't want to change anything. Just wandering when he is coming home. And we can scene them more!)

Best Friend? (Line left the game, so it is open for more details and filling)
The best friend. Met the summer before 6th grade when they were fighting over a swing in the park, which led to them being best friends. This girl was born and raised in Brooklyn like Stephanie. But it can be open to anyone.

Close Family Friend: Row
His mama used to date her dad back in high school. they were the original high school sweethearts. and they thought it would last. but then her dad got into Brooklyn Technical College and moved to Brooklyn and he met her mother, and after a few months of trying long distance with his ex, and dating her mom at the same time they eventually broke it off mutually. but the two remained friends. and when they had kids, they often got together for play dates. her mother was always jealous of Row's mom, but she never said so because Steph and Row were always close, and she didn't want to deprive her daughter of a friend. Steph and Row call each other often, and they visit often. they'll probably always remain friends, despite their parents differences.

The New Best Friend: (This line left the game - open)
After meeting through a common friend, they bonded immediately. they quickly became the best of friends. they spend their time chatting and living up the single life in New York, bonding over things like family issues and hair.

The Big Brother Type: Mark (Let's play them? We never did anything with this line? Do you still want it?)
Met Mark when he and her older sister were friends a few years back. the two were always close, he was always teasing her, hanging out with her while he waited for her sister to get ready. he started bringing her out with him and his friends, and they remained friends. She was a part of his group
High School Friends: Cas, Kasyn, Maddie (I miss you all. I am here!)

The Gynecologist: Dr. Munch. (An appointment please?)

Now What?: Cam? (Is he still around?)
met and hooked up at his house. now they are getting to know each other and seeing where to go from there.

The Ex of a Friend, Who She Hooked Up With. Can You Say Awkward?: Owen? (Should we have them run into each other? Something?)
The two met and were attracted to each other. But he was Chelsea's ex. Which should have made him off limits. But they couldn't help their attraction, and they hooked up. Never had sex, but they did fool around before.

College Friend: Harmony? (They need to talk about the video their both in)

The Ex: Sam (Do anything with this?)
she met sam at the same time that she met scott, and she was seeing them both but her and sam decided they were better off as friends. they never slept together just went out a few times and tried to make the chemistry appear but it never did. and now they run into each other again, when their both taken. They start talking all the time again and the mental chemistry is there they get along great and are attracted to each other but they each love someone else and must stay away!
Abby? - lives with scott, steph's "something". the two talk and hang out whenever Steph is at the house. - Something?

Mel, Alegra (Cousin), Rianna (cousin), Trey? Anyone out there? IM me, I am bored. And I will be home in an hour.
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[03 Mar 2008|04:40pm]
Looking for some storylines for my girl Dalea (Day-lee)

At the moment I'm looking for the best friends... One female and one male (gay preferably and trying to get Dalea to dress more girly)

Then the potential boyfriend, he'd have to work hard to get into Dalea's life, since she's had such a hard one and hasn't had one since she was 15.

Any others are welcome, check out her bio here at [info]dalea

You can either contact me here or at my sn for her Crazy Dalea
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[03 Mar 2008|07:20pm]
I want to be able to keep Clyde in the SL this time around so can I get some active and interesting storylines. I have a link to some I have written in the bottom entry in this journal but if you don't like those, throw me some ideas... preferably some that you would really want to actually play on. You can get me on rider like clyde if you have a detailed twist to discuss or just post up here, whatever is more convienant for you. Please don't be AIM shy.
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[03 Mar 2008|10:28pm]
I hate having to beg, but it looks like I have no choice. I'd really want to get him more active here and since he only talks to one person (yes, [info]matilda it's you.), I'd love to get some more people to fill in his lines.

His bio, personality and lines are all in his journal. Feel free to take a gander when you have a chance. I don't bite, I promise... but I can't say the same for him.
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