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[01 Apr 2017|04:52pm]

hi all! i'm bringing you yet another of those crazy avery kids. this is eleanor, but most everyone calls her nora. she's 29, works for the department of magical catastrophes as an obliviator, and is currently neutral even though she was probably raised by at least one pureblood parent who had very strict opinions on mingling with muggleborns. she's been married to [info]donott for a few years, though that was a product of her mother's arranging for her daughters to marry well, and nora has varying shades of tenuous relationships with her sisters [info]keavery and [info]quavery.

she's always felt a bit like an outcast in her own family, and hasn't truly taken a public stance on the war. she was raised to be a dutiful pureblood daughter that was sorted into slytherin and married another pureblood of similar, if not more wealth. nora was very nearly sorted into ravenclaw, but came into hogwarts on a mission to be in slytherin, and the rest was history (prefect, slug club, etc.). during school, she was the girl that was quiet, but determined to do well in her studies, and for that people often tried to take advantage because they assumed she was a pushover, but she learned early on how to take care of herself, and has a knack for getting people to do what she wants while making them think it was their idea to begin with. she thought about becoming an auror, but had already dealt with being in keela's shadow for most of her life, so she decided against it.

when she needs to, she's perfectly capable of being charming and sociable, but has to catch herself from openly showing that she thinks she's the smartest person in every room. she's exceedingly loyal, and really good at keeping her secrets to herself (like the fact that she killed a boy shortly after leaving hogwarts), but still has a bit of a complex when it comes to her family and trying to be "the perfect one", which means that when she snaps, it's usually extreme (see killed boy above).

please give me all the lines with all you glorious people. friends from hogwarts (i'm looking at you [info]eveline), enemies, the people that teased her mercilessly, exes she kept from her family, co-workers, more people to try to lure her to the dark side. do your worst!
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[23 Mar 2017|09:37pm]

hi everyone! i bring you narcissa malfoy. she's exactly what you'd expect from the youngest black daughter - vain, self-righteous, obviously elitist and every bit a perfectionist. she's of course married to lucius and mother to draco, who she spoils relentlessly (and watch yourself if you even suggest that's a bad thing). before becoming a mother she was a very active socialite, though i imagine someone has eagerly taken her spot as queen bee, which narcissa would struggle with now. still, she's a devoted death eater wife, despite nagging those close to her (lucius, bella) to not be so involved in fear that they'll get hurt. she's slowly been making her way back into society and hosting gigs, though draco is probably always at her side, so any other de ladies or wives should definitely know her and expect invites for tea. i'd love to work out lines with everyone!
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